Thursday, February 11, 2010

Cell Phone

So i have been talking to my mother about getting a cell phone. Because i am basically the only person who doesn't have one. ): But she said that maybe we could look deeper into it if i'm out of dept. Sadly i owe her $89 and my daddy-o $37. How i ever got into that much dept i don't know. All i know is that it came little by little and then it caught up with me. So im wondering if any of you need a baby-sitter Please! I would very much appreciate it. And the worst part of all is that i only have $17.20 at the moment. It's gonna be a while but i know that if i work around the house ALOT! and baby sit for you wonderful people then maybe i can get one before school is out at least. I would like to get everyone's # while we are still in contact. So please call. (: I love children and i would love to baby sit your kids for maybe 10 hours. :]]

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


So i am thinking that for everyday i will do the following since i am quite lazy and im not in shape whatsoever. So for everyday i will do these activites:

  • Run/jog a mile (if not more)
  • do 5 push-ups (see how wimpy i am, but with these i will be going up 5 every week)
  • do 30 curl-ups/pull-ups
  • 15 sprints

I think that if i do this every day that i will be a little bit more in shape, and once this seems to get pretty easy for me i will move up. Im ready for a challenge!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Dress Up

So my friend Mckaye suggested this website. And it is totally awsome! At first i didnt see what was so "cool" about it and then BAM i tried it and it was amazing. It's this website where you fill in what type of clothes you like, sorta like romantic, trendy, classic all of those. And it gives you stuff you might like and they are your size. Mckaye says that if you are a member of it they give you free shipping also. The stuff is kinda pricey. But the clothes are designer clothes. It is a really cool website. Check it out.