Sunday, April 25, 2010

Journal Keeping

I have learned today in my young womens class about journal keeping. It is very important that you do keep a journal. In fact, although i didnt know this, it is a sin if you dont write in your journal and you should go and repent right away. It's obviously super important to keep a "Book of Remembrance" as they put it in the scriptures. So my goal is to try and write in it everyday whether it is half a page one page or even two pages. But i will do it, and follow the Lord!


  1. you're a good example....I need to do this :)

  2. I used to be so good at that...Not so much anymore. I guess I count blogging as a type of journal keeping. :)

  3. I just taught that lesson this past week. But you know, journaling has become so much more than just writing in your journal. This blog is also part of your "book of remembrance." It gives glimpses of you...scrapbooks, etc, they all let your posterity know you -- and sometimes even better than a written journal. After teaching that lesson, I was motivated to repent as well. We'll work on it together;)

  4. Good for you, Rachel. Its lot of fun to go back and read what I wrote when I was that age. Keeping a journal is definitely worthwhile.
